The calendar for the 2007-2008 season is still
being discussed.
More details will emerge as these events are planned and as new ones
are added. Here is what we did in previous years:
2006-2007 Calendar
2005-2006 Calendar
2004-2005 Calendar
Quicksilver Events

Manresa State Beach
December16 : We have reserved 30 spaces on Sunday, December 16 at
12pm. The event has also been added the event to the Yahoo list
Here is the main information link:
Family Giving Tree - WarehouseVolunteer Info
We will be doing gift sorting and wrapping.
The warehouse is located at:
1210 California Circle
Milpitas, CA 95035
- February 22-24, 2008: Ski Trip, Coordinator: Robert
Loesch. I have rented 2 cabins for the weekend of
Friday February 22nd through Sunday February 24th 2008. The cabins are
in Arnold, which is 30 minutes away from Bear Valley Ski Resort. The
cabins sleep 12 people each and are located on the same street 2 cabins
away from each other. I was unable to find one cabin that would
accommodate 24
people, so this was the best compromise.
The cost for one dad and one kid is $197 for the accommodations,
including a $50 refundable deposit.
The $197 does not include food, which will be provided with the cost
divided between all the participants. I will be planning the menu and
shopping for the food once I have a firm head count. If you are
interested in helping plan the menu, shop or cook, please let me know.
One of the houses has a gourmet kitchen.
Plan on bringing your own sleeping bags, towels and pillow cases.
Here are links to the cabins if you want to check them out:
The 24 spaces will go to those who send me a check first. My address is:
168 Escobar Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Thanks, and I'll see you at the next meeting. Think snow!
Rob Loesch
- March: The March event is at Planet
Granite on Sunday March 2nd. They are
open from 8am-6pm. I told them we would be there approx. 10-2 but
feel free to start early or stay later as it is an all day fee. I will
have Togos there at noon. Planet Granite is located at 815 Stewart Dr. in Sunnyvale (Map to
location), their phone
# is (408)991-9090 and their web site is Planet Granite.
Dads that are not certified to belay should schedule lessons. They
teach classes on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday at 6:30 & 7:30pm,
Saturday and Sunday at 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, & 3:30pm and on
Saturday only at 4:30pm. The cost is $34 wich includes gear rental and
day pass so it would be good to pair up so you can climb and practice
after the lesson. The cost to hire a belayer $70/hr.
The cost to climb is $17 for adults and $10 for kids under 14 plus $5
for shoe and harness rental. Pay at the front desk when you arrive.
They also need their Planet Granite
of risk and release of liability form filled out and signed
before climbing. It will save time to fill it out ahead
of time: . (This one is marked to show how to fill it out for a
child, but it works for adults as well) If you are bringing someone else's child they
require a photocopy of that parents drivers licence.
Please e-mail me if you plan to attend so I know how much food to
Thanks, Mike (408)209-6848
- April: Coordinator: Shmulik Nehama

- Considering several options including:
- Sailing on the Bay
- Departs from Sausalito
- An entertaining and educational sail on the
May: Spring Campout, Yosemite National Park,
Coordinator: Ian Batra
June: Pool Party, Coordinator: Brian Johnson