Events 2004-2005
Here is the current
schedule of events for the 2004-2005 season.
More details will emerge as these events are planned and as new ones are added.
September 23: Officer's Meeting, Southwest
YMCA, 13500 Quito Road, Saratoga, 7:00 PM
October 8,9,10: Fall Campout

State Beach
- Friday night October 8 is optional
- Main activities on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, October
9 and 10
- Details
A holiday tradition in downtown Los Gatos
- Our approach will be low-key
- No advance preparation is necessary, we'll just tell you where and
when to assemble
9-11 AM: Gift Wrapping at the Family
Giving Tree
We are considering having a group lunch - stay tuned for
2 PM: "Striking
12" - a holiday musical show at the Lucy Stern Theater

- See details
- At Cambrian Bowl in San
- 11:30 - Pizza Lunch
- 12:15-1:45 - Bowling
- Contact Jim Hollenhorst to confirm attendance
- February 12 and 13: Weekend Ski Trip
- See details
- Contact Cole Barber to confirm attendance
- February 27: Elephant Seals
Observe the Elephant Seals at Aņo
- See details
- Guided hike from the trailhead to the beach
- Observe the Elephant Seals and their pups